HOF or OOP? Yes!
It’s interesting how the brain works: I wrote an essay that I thought was
an explanation of what first class functions and closures are, and why some people would like to see them added to the
Kitchen Sink of Languages.
Then I read
From Functional to Object-Oriented Programming, which suggests that my essay seems to be making a general statement about Functional Programming as an advance over Object Oriented Programming.
1Nothing could be further from my intention or my opinion. Smalltalk, for example, has a clean and powerful syntax for first-class functions. And those first-class functions are objects, as is
everything in Smalltalk. I am tempted to rewrite my essay using Smalltalk: it seems that using
Ruby, another language where everything is an object, is not making this point strongly enough. In my mind, it is easy to use languages that provide the OO paradigm as well as the first-class function paradigm. At the same time.
What I actually saidSo what I actually said is: “Here are these things called
first-class functions. This “thing” is where functions are exactly the same kind of thing as everything else in a language. This is useful, here is why.” If functions are first class, functions aren’t magically more special, nor are they second-class citizens in a language (like those brain-damaged primitives in crippled languages). If a language is an OO language, this implies that first-class functions in such a language are objects and that programming with them
is OO programming.
You’ll notice that I am not using the words “Functional Programming.” That’s because
I’m not talking about Functional Programming. I’m talking about closures and first-class functions. I imagine that these things are present in all contemporary Functional Programming Languages, but that has nothing to do with my essay about the value of having first-class functions in an OO language: Smalltalk has had them in an OO language
for nearly thirty years, and while it wasn’t the first OO language, it is the canonical definition of class-based OO.
That’s all I said. If you want to debate the merits of pure functional programming languages like
Haskell against OO languages like Ruby, you have to take that up with someone like
Tom or
What I don’t understandI don’t understand the author’s objection to higher-order functional programming. He(?) says something about higher-order functions and type inference as being bad. I don’t get the argument. It seems like he is saying that the constructs are somehow too deeply nested, that it is too easy to make mistakes. I may not understand him correctly, for I have trouble seeing how this is different from having data structures with a thicket of HAS-A relationships.
Somehow we program just fine in business with complex data schema, and we manage to keep track of things just fine. Strong typing and compiler support helps. So does IDE support. So does drawing diagrams. How is “a function taking an integer and a function taking two integers, returning a function taking a list of integers and returning an integer” somehow more complex than “a record containing an integer and that has many records containing an integer”?
The argument seems to be (and I am open to correction, since what I think he’s saying is so obvious that I worry I’m misunderstanding it) that naming things makes all the difference, as in “a customer record with an ID has many Sales Records, each of which has an ID.” That does sound easier to understand.
But of course, nothing stops you from naming things if you have first-class functions in a type checked OO language, does it? I am not a practitioner, but I have been working my way through
The Little MLer
, and it is part of the ML programming paradigm to name first-class functional types for precisely the reasons the author seems to advocate.
Anonymity considered harmful?So perhaps the objection is to having too many anonymous things, to having too many values without names. There is certainly an appropriate balance to be sought. One language designer seems to dislike anonymous functions, to the point where his language won’t let you have any that won’t fit on a single line. He has an
opinionated language.
I have seen similar arguments with non-functions. That control flow branches should not be nested too deeply (you know,
and the evil ternary operator). I often use the “extract variable” refactoring to simplify expressions and make them more readable. Naming a part of an expression provides a certain level of abstraction that improves comprehension.
Types and expressions involving functions are no different, and if that’s what the author is saying I endorse his perspective.
That statement, however, is somewhat orthogonal to whether first-class functions should exist in a language. As long as you can name them, you have the tool to write comprehensible code. If your language has types, then you ought to be able to name types involving first-class functions. As long as you can name functional values and types, you can apply all the same style guidelines to first-class functions that you apply to record types.
In ConclusionFirst-class functions are a natural fit with OO, as evidenced by their presence in OO languages that aren’t glorified PDP-11 assemblers with some OO stuff bolted on the side by people with
very little OO and/or GUI programming experience. First-class functions can be used to write clean and legible code, using all of the same techniques we use for writing clean and legible code with records, objects, and other types.
From Functional to Object-Oriented Programming has some interesting points about FP and OOP and their historical context. This has nothing to do with my original post, but I think those words are worth reading and considering. The post raises some caveats about complex and anonymous first-class functions that are obviously sensible: we have noticed the same things with other forms of expression in programming.
- I will come clean here: when I think of OO, I am not thinking of C++ or Java, especially as they are practised in business. I’m thinking of languages like Self, Actor, and Smalltalk.
Labels: lispy