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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Thanks so much to everyone who has submitted a solution to the 128-bit Programming Challenge.

I want to mention two things that are particularly touching. First, of course, is the quality of postings. When the last little challenge went round the blogs, there was nothing particularly odious about the responses, but there was little of value in the aggregate. That’s no smear on the respondents, it has a lot to do with the nature of the question.

Eric Sink on the Business of Software shares the wisdom he has acquired building an independent software business organically. It’s a must-read for people who want to start their own software business, not just dream about “Someday…”

With this challenge, I had an agenda. No, nothing to do with civil disobedience or freedom to watch movies you so-called purchased or rented on the operating system of your choice. My agenda was to demonstrate that the quality of responses is 100% driven by the quality of the challenge. When I saw the furor over the “illegal codes,” the challenge was a natural follow-up.

Thank you so much for reminding me how much tasty meat there is out there.

One more thing…

Now the second thing was very interesting. I checked my stats this morning, and at that time there were forty submissions, more or less. And there were thirty-five clicks on the link to The Essential Turing. So just as many submissions as click-throughs. And you know what? This is maybe even more interesting than the number of submissions.

Not because of the fifty cents or so in gift certificate money I will get from aggregate sales of the book. But because that particular book is one that appeals to people who are deeply, deeply interested in issues like Computability and Cryptography.

Issues touched on by the challenge, of course. And that’s also part of the point: the challenge is only peripherally “show off your coding chops.” At a deeper level, the challenge asks you to think about the relationship between programs and the data they produce.

I see the market for developer books following the same path as the market for developer tools: There is an increasing priority on “quick results”… I am as addicted to IntelliSense as the next guy. But I do believe this stuff come with a tradeoff. To some extent, the increasing emphasis on getting quick results comes at the expense of “deep understanding”. I define deep understanding as the knowledge of how stuff works “under the hood.”
Eric Sink

Honestly, if you sit down to maximize sales on a page about a programming challenge, there are thousands of better choices. Most of them will be specific: books about a specific language outsell books about programming in general. But what can they tell us about programmers? Little of interest. Just that people skimming a site like reddit who are curious about a “programming challenge” are interested in books about specific programming tricks.

But when you put a book about Alan Turing’s work on the page, we find out that thirty-five people out there are interested in his work. And roughly the same number of people sat down to write code, debug, and submit code that is much more challenging than the code for the other programming problem.

I find that inspiring. Alan Kay lamented how few people know of Doug Englebart’s work. What I can say today is, there are almost as many people who are interested in the deep issues in computing as there are who have a bias for action and writing code. We just have to put that opportunity in front of our fellow programmers, and they will respond.


Comments on “Quality:
Reg, do you get a book referral also for click-throughs that result in an eventual purchase instead of an immediate one? You've had some great book tips lately, and I've added a bunch to my wishlist but haven't ordered any just yet. When I do order, does Amazon remember that you should get the commission, or would one need to do the click-through again?

BTW, the 128-bit challenge was a great idea, and for a good cause, but you should really have come up with a more unique, memorable name for it ;-) Anyway, I was going to work on contributing a Forth entry but work pressures leave no time this week...
I honestly don't know all of the details of the referral system. I think that I get a small commission (from 4-6%) on the sale of any items ordered at the time you click through.

So if you click through a link, and then you decide this is the time to order a lawn mower for Spring, I'll get something.

But if you put a book on your wish list and go back later, I don't think I get the referral.

I take those fees in gift certificates and I use most of their value to buy more books about programming, philosophy, and math.

If it's no trouble to use my links... what can I say, thanks, you're enabling my habit :-)

I hope the links I provide are provoking others like you to stay on the path of life-long learning.

It's a great ride!
OK, it's no problem at all - I tend to write the source where I saw the book in the comments to the wishlist entry, for this very purpose (i.e., later ordering the book via the click-through). It seems only right.

Keep those great book tips coming - now, if there was just more time to read all of 'em... :-P

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Reg Braithwaite

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