If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.
%w[dsf fgdg fg].map(&:capitalize)
→ ["Dsf", "Fgdg", "Fg"]
And Googling around, all of the examples I could find were for unary methods like this. But what about binary methods like :merge? If Symbol#to_proc supported binary methods, you could do things like:
(1..5).inject &:+
→ 15
[{ :foo => 1 }, { :bar => 2 }, { :blitz => 3 }].inject &:merge
→ {:foo=>1, :bar=>2, :blitz=>3}
That would be brilliant.1 And the implementation can’t be that hard in a language like Ruby, can it? Let’s have a look at the source code (I don’t have the Ruby 1.9 source, but I do have Symbol.rb from the Rails Core Extensions):
class Symbol
# Turns the symbol into a simple proc, which is especially useful for enumerations. Examples:
# # The same as people.collect { |p| p.name }
# people.collect(&:name)
# # The same as people.select { |p| p.manager? }.collect { |p| p.salary }
# people.select(&:manager?).collect(&:salary)
def to_proc
Proc.new { |*args| args.shift.__send__(self, *args) }
Would you look at that, Symbol#to_proc already handles methods with arguments. And indeed, the examples above work right out of the box in Rails. I expect them to work in Ruby 1.9 as well.collection.map(&'*2')
, but quite frankly this is a really nice feature that deserves more publicity. So… don’t forget that Symbol#to_proc handles your unary and binary methods.Labels: ruby