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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
  meshU presentation slides


My slides from meshU are up on flickr. Thanks very, very much to everyone who attended my talk and to the organizing staff. Terrific conference, I’ll bet everyone gives meshU a big thumbs up.

Comments on “meshU presentation slides:
Reg, you might want to try to upload to a service like Slideshare, it's a bit more comfortable to look at the slides there.

Also, did you have a designer help you with the slides or do you have a background in design? They look great.

I may put things up on a slide service, but for now this was quick and easy since i had already exported the pictures to use on my iPod as a backup presentation device.

Designer? No, no, I used Apple’s keyNote. Great templates.
Looks interesting. Is the audio available for download anywhere?
Thanks for posting the slides, but just as a warning to others, they are fairly useless to read. I'm sure it would be great with audio, but the slides are mostly 1 worders and a couple of abstract pictures.
Thanks for posting the slides, but just as a warning to others, they are fairly useless to read.

Absolutely, and I’m proud of that!

We are constantly being told that when presenting, do not force your audience to read the slides, use them as visual aids for your talk.

So if my talk was a blog post, the one worders would be headings and the pictures would be illustrations.

Guilty as charged and holding my head up high in the dock!

There was somebody filming the talk, if I hear from them I will see if it can be distributed.
"Thanks for posting the slides, but just as a warning to others, they are fairly useless to read."

"Absolutely, and I’m proud of that!"

I suppose the next logical question is- if they admittedly don't stand on their own, why send them out? I only made it to page 3. Maybe the notes pages would help?

Anyway- it looks like it was an interesting talk.
if they admittedly don't stand on their own, why send them out?

As it happens, a number of people who attended the talk asked for the slides, thuis I published them.

Notes and things might help, but aside from gettinga video, I don't plan to put much work into trying to make a presentation work as printed words.

Blog essays work as essays and generally are terrible as speeches. Likewise, presentations just don't work well as written communication, IMO.

Perhaps some of the ideas in the presentation will make their way into blog posts in the future. A number of them already have.
Having been there for the talk (it was inspiring, Reg), I can definitely say that going through the slides conveys meaning.

I was sitting behind a guy who filmed most of it. I hope he posts it somewhere.
Having been there for the talk (it was inspiring, Reg), I can definitely say that going through the slides conveys meaning.

Thank you.

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Reg Braithwaite

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