Games People Play
My thesis when I wrote The
Naïve Approach to Hiring People was that we can learn thing about hiring people from the things we know about document classification. In that post, I talked a little about Naïve Bayesian Filters and what they teach us about selecting people to interview.
I wasn’t actually suggesting we stop using humans to select résumés or decide whom to interview based on their answers to phone screen questions, I was asking us to think about what we can transfer from our knowledge about document classification to the problem of—let’s be frank—people classification.
A few people wrote to say, “No, that won’t work, here’s why.” That’s really interesting!
A completely naïve filter certainly wouldn’t work. But thinking about
why it wouldn’t work teaches us more about how to do a great job of hiring the right people.
Games People PlayOne of the reasons you can’t build a naïve document classifier to select candidates is that people game the system.
When people perceive that they have an enormous incentive to obtain jobs as programmers, they are motivated to subvert the process and get the job for themselves regardless of what the employer is attempting to accomplish with the interview process.
1Candidates are trying to guess what you want to read or hear and will happily parrot it to you. You may think that this is a waste of their time, because lying to get the interview will only get them thrown out of interviews, but the incentives in looking for a job are to reward anything that gets them any reasonable job offer, no matter how many times they are thrown out of interviews.
For that reason, they are constantly monitoring the behaviour of employers and attempting to adjust their behaviour to manipulate employers into giving them interviews and ultimately, giving them a job. Roughly, there is the most difficult part of hiring people regardless of how you do it: Candidates are trying to guess what you want to read or hear and will happily parrot it to you.
You may think that this is a waste of their time, because lying to get the interview will only get them thrown out of interviews, but the incentives in looking for a job are to reward anything that gets them any reasonable job offer, no matter how many times they are thrown out of interviews.
Let’s state the problem with filtering a little more explicitly: filtering works by analyzing features (years of experience, technologies, education, past employers) and looking for the features that have the highest correlation with positive outcomes. For example, if our task is to select people to interview based on asking them no more than five questions over the telephone, we could use the following protocol:
- Collect a list of questions to ask from sources like Steve Yegge’s The Five Essential Phone Screen Questions and Joel Spolsky’s [The Phone Screen].
- When we call a candidate, select some questions to ask from our list.
- Make a note of which questions the candidate answered satisfactorily and which unsatisfactorily.
- If we call the candidate in for an interview, make a note of whether they were a decent interview. Not necessarily a “HIRE,” but whether we felt interviewing them was a waste of time or not.
After following this protocol for a while, we have collected an imperfect but still useful corpus: we can do some easy analysis to determine which questions have the highest correlation between satisfactory answers and worthwhile interviews. I can’t predict what your answers might be if you follow the protocol, but here’s something important to note: we are looking for the questions with the
highest correlation.

Programming Collective Intelligence
provides practical examples for building systems that reason based on learning from data and behaviour, such as Naïve Bayesian Filters, collaborative filters, and recommendation engines.
Armed with our “training,” we would know the five best questions to ask on the telephone. Great! We would start using them exclusively, and we would only interview people who get all five right. We wouldn’t grant that many interviews, but let’s assume that we would be happy with this trade-off. (We’ll address the nature of that trade-off in another post.)
At first, things would probably go really well. Every person we bring in for an interview would be worth the trouble, and we would making offers to many of them. We would boast that our five questions are amazing! But then things start would start to slip, we would start getting one or two duds a week, and then every other interviewee would be a dud, and before you know it almost everyone we call would give us great answers but would be a festering pile of mediocrity when they showed up for the interview.
What in Hades could have gone wrong? Of course, we know what went wrong: the job hunters would cotton onto our questions. The word would have gone around about the questions we asked. Maybe we would have been arrogant enough to discuss them on our blogs, maybe interviewees would network,
maybe they would publish your questions on their own blogs. I can tell you that tech recruiters are constantly interrogating people for interview questions and then preparing their candidates by telling them what to study in advance. So if we ever hire through recruiters, we might just as well publish our interview questions on our web site.
So now anybody sending us their résumé would have memorized our five questions and would even know the right way to answer each question to get an interview. We would have been gamed.
So what can we do about it?
Game OnBefore we try to work out a coping strategy from first principles, we can look around and see whether this problem has already been solved. Indeed it has; as mentioned, the cat-and-mouse game between spammers and spam filters is a very close analogue to the cat-and-mouse battle between employers and candidates.
The point of this post is to suggest that we can learn from a similar problem, not to pretend I know the exact answers. You have to do your own thinking!
The point of this post is to suggest that we can learn from a similar problem, not to pretend I know the exact answers. You have to do your own thinking! But here are a few ideas that have worked for me as an interviewer in the past. It is easy to see their analogue to battling spammers.
First, you need an
iterative strategy. You cannot think of “The five best questions” as some sort of fixed list. The correlation between a question and the likelihood of a positive outcome for you changes over time as candidates discover what you are seeking and pretend to supply it. This is exactly like spammers writing emails: they are constantly trying to reverse-engineer filters and write letters that score well as non-spam, and the filters are constantly being updated in a
Red Queen’s Race.
In 2004,
I was granting interviews to anyone with Python, Ruby, Spring, or Hibernate experience. At the time, these were remarkably rare and had very strong positive correlation for the type of team I was building. Today, while I still respect those technologies, I doubt they have as strong a correlation. I would definitely need a strong phone screen before granting an interview.
This isn’t just about niche tools. I’m sure my more conservative colleagues will tell you that there was a time when a Microsoft programming certification meant far more than it does today. In general, as the word goes out that employers want something, the correlation between that thing and positive outcomes goes down, and employers have to search for other “features” providing higher correlation.
If you followed the link, you know what I valued in 2004. What about today? The second thing is that
I’m not going to tell you (Although I still ask “What’s the best work you’ve ever done, and why are you proud of it?”). Spammers use computer programs called “bots” (you knew that, of course) to sign up for free email accounts and send spam. One of the ways email services try to foil them is with CAPTCHAs.

In my twenty years of business experience, Growing a Business
is absolutely the best book on founding and running a business organically that I have ever read. And I read a lot of books! “Growing a Business” is not about scoring business coups or raising money. It is not about sales tactics or innovation. It is about growing a business step by step, customer by customer, employee by employee.
The economics of CAPTCHAs and other means of foiling bots are simple: there is an upfront cost to the spammer to reverse-engineer whatever obstacles you put into place and write a bot that can negotiate them. Thereafter, the bot earns money for the spammer every time it encounters your obstacle. Therefore,
the spammers program their bots for the obstacles that offer them the largest opportunity to profit.
According to Windows apologists, this is why Windows machines are infested with
virii and Macs are not: writing a virus for OS X is just as much trouble as for Windows, but the Windows virus can infect thirty times as many machines as the OS X virus, so nobody bothers with OS X virii. Maybe true, maybe not true.
So back to hiring and questions. Training your filters as described above and retraining them from time to time is fine if the marketplace takes a while to respond to your questions. It took four years before “Ruby” went from being a must-interview-no-questions-asked to a looks-good-but-better-have-something-else-as-well. But if things are moving very quickly, the useful time of a question may fall below the amount of time needed to train questions. In that case, you can’t gather reliable statistics.
What makes the “market” move quickly? Perceived desirability. If you’re Google and your stock is on fire, people devote themselves to deciphering and gaming your hiring strategy. Or if there are a very large number of people that hire the exact same way you hire, you get the same overall effect. Going back to CAPTCHAs, if you are running Google Mail, people will spend a lot of time breaking your CAPTCHA. Or if your CAPTCHA is part of a popular package that a lot of sites use, people will take the time to break it.
The easiest—and most effective—way to secure a web site is to use an obscure CAPTCHA. Sure, it ought to be as robust as possible. But if very few people use it, the incentive for breaking it will be low. In 2004, languages like Python and Ruby were obscure by job seeker standards. Sure, if someone wanted a job with me and only me she could claim to know them and get thrown out of the interview after the first question. But who would bother faking Ruby to get an interview with me when they could fake J2EE+Struts and get a few dozen interviews with BigCos?
Today, I have a different set of hot buttons. Sure, they are different in part because I have iterated over the years and there are new items that correlate strongly with positive outcomes. the new things are not necessarily hot things. I mentioned Python and Ruby in 2004, but I also mentioned
J. J wasn’t hot then and it didn’t look like it was going to become hot, but I have had very good experiences working with APL and J people.
The main thing about my hot buttons is that I try to make sure they aren’t popular. Now you might snap your fingers and say, “Aha! The Python Paradox
again!” But that isn’t it. The Python Paradox is that using certain unpopular languages that have Tweak “Cred” increases an employer’s attractiveness to strong candidates. That’s reversing things and figuring out how to game the good candidates! This is different: it’s choosing candidates based on things that are
unpopular amongst other employers specifically to avoid having candidates fake them to get a job with you.
WinningThe battle to secure the best employees is a game, and while there are no sure things in life, there are strategies that maximize the possibility of a positive outcome for employers. Selecting candidates is certainly not a simple problem amenable to naïve filtering, but thinking about document classification helps us do a better job.
Likewise, responding to candidates attempting to subvert your interview process is not as simple as iteratively training your “filter questions” and choosing obscure questions, but thinking about the battle between spammers and web sites helps us do a better job when hiring programmers.
- There are many reasons for this. I am going to skip right past all discussions of chicanery and posit something for consideration; if the industry does a terrible job of selecting good people, we should not be surprised that candidates do not trust us to take complete control of the interview process. If a candidate has heard that some of the people working at XYZCorp are complete bozos, what is wrong with stretching the truth in the interview to get the job? If the industry constantly trumpets how tools and architecture are more important than hiring good people, why shouldn't a less-than-stellar candidate lie their way into a job? Won't Eclipse and static typing and design patterns and BDUF ensure that he can do a serviceable job?
post scripum: The fact is, almost every idea has holes in it. Finding them is important, but it’s just the first step. Bayesian filters are not going to be able to outperform a human for selecting candidates. True. But the next step is to figure out why they fall short and what we can do about it. There is a very lucrative business opportunity for someone to apply machine learning techniques to hiring people.
Where there’s muck there’s brass.